Sprinkler donuts have been around for many years, typically better known in the state of Florida. Ever since riding lawn mowers came into the picture, their has been a need to help protect our pop-up sprinkler heads.
Years past, concrete donuts were the only choice one had to help protect their sprinkler heads, then Orbit came out with their plastic sprinkler donut version of the concrete sprinkler donuts.
Both products have their advantages and disadvantages. Neither product satisfied my issues as a veteran lawn care professional. I wanted something that was long lasting, required little maintenance, and wouldn’t sink or float away in the ever changing environment in which we live.
My invention the “Sprinkler Buddy” solves all those issues I had with the current products found on the internet and in your local hardware stores if they happen to carry any to begin with.
If your fed up with dealing with your sprinkler heads more than you should because of lawn mower traffic, take a look at the best sprinkler donut available today @ http://www.sprinklerbuddy.com
Not just because I invented it, because it simply works better than concrete donuts .