Archive for June, 2013

Lawn Maintenance Tips You Should Follow

 Guest Post By:  Rachael Jones

When it comes to lawn care, we all know that it is best to cut your grass a little long to prevent rapid regrowth and that it is generally better to water in the morning than in the evening. But what are some of the tips and tricks that professionals use to keep lawns in great shape? You may never have heard about some of these tricks before, but you will be sure to notice the difference once you put them into place. (more…)

Brick patios and stone walkways

Guest Post By: Patio

Aileen Hines

Although you may be familiar with the standard rules for creating a beautiful gardening space and walk-through area for your patio, those typical design concepts may not be adequate for the unique territory that is your property’s landscape. You need to be ready to break with convention in order to produce the best visual effects for the garden you have. For example, sometimes the best natural looking elements of the garden is pre-existing foliage, whose look you don’t want to ruin by following artificial rules about where to break up an area to introduce a walkway. Work with what you already have before you add elements that enhance the setting. (more…)

Using Water Features to Irrigate a Garden

Guest Post By:  Walter Bucket7392

Water irrigation is an essential stage in maintaining your garden, as it gives the appearance of a healthier lawn and can provide the water needed to sustain the vegetation and to prevent the build-up of toxic salts. There are many different forms of irrigation, and each has their benefits, it’s down to assessing the needs and requirements of your garden.


Irrigating your garden manually through the use of watering cans and buckets can give you a great deal of control over how your garden is maintained, however, this isn’t an entirely cost effective or efficient method.  Problems may occur when away from home for long periods of time, as you would be unable to tend to the plant’s needs. (more…)